Wednesday 24 October 2012

My next Hospital appointment.

Right, so many things are happening in my life at this time, everything is blurred. So i will jump to my next Hospital appointment.
      My consultant is a brilliant man, he is a medical consultant that you feel that you can easily talk to, i feel at ease sat opposite him. First of all he tells me that the Dr who had sent me for my original scan...(remember back, many had past me from pillar to post ).....well I'm now told that he has saved my life, i am told that if it would have been detected two years later if detected at all it would have been to late. It,s strange it feels like i am so happy but also feels like Ive just been kicked in the bollocks !!.
     I have two options, full removal of my right Kidney or having the tumour cut from the top of the kidney. Now when he tells me my options i just can't understand the reason being.......I'm told full removal of the kidney is far easier and a much quicker recovery ????, and yet he suggest we do not go with this option, we go with option 2 which is........we remove the tumour not the kidney and it is a much more difficult operation and also recovery takes much longer. I'm sat there thinking this guy has lost is fucking marbles...what the hell is he going on about !!!!, i ask him but much more politely.
  He tells me, full removal they make small cuts in the skin and it is 3 cuts tubes etc, remove kidney and sew up.( obviously my Consultant makes it sound so easy hahaha !)...he doesn't want to do this because i'm only 43, he tells me i am very young to have this cancer,and if he removes the full kidney if it returns it can only return on my remaining kidney. He tells me i would be unlucky for it to return but he doesn't want to take the chance.
     Option 2, open surgery, he tells me about the scar, then he drops alittle bombshell, because the Dickhead of a tumour has decided to sit on top of the kidney....ribs need removing in order to get to it.!!!.......OH MY GOD...i know Ive got a tumour I'm suddenly not arsed about it, but i feel sick to the core....fucking ribs out !!!, this fear stays with me to the operation. He wants me to go with this option
 so if the tumour does worst luck..come back it will return on this kidney and then it can be removed and i will still have one remaining kidney.
   My consultant sends me home to decide upon which treatment i will be going with, he gives me two weeks thinking time, but my mind is already made up. What could possibly make me go against is advice, this man is my new God, i would be insane to go against his advise and very very ignorant !!........worst luck though it is the treatment that would cause me so many nightmares. He still gives me the two week thinking time, before i commit myself.
A couple of have two kidneys, each one is the size of a human fist. And did you know the kidneys are the deepest set organ in the human body...................just my fucking luck hahaha.
   Below you will see the Scar i was left with after the operation, i just want to show you what the open surgery left. The full kidney removal leaves you with very small incisions...and now i believe the are removing kidneys through belly buttons !!!!!amazing. !!!..Ps ive not got a big belly it's the swelling, i usually have a 1 pack hahahah. x

1 comment:

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