Sunday 28 October 2012

Operation day.

I had my date for my operation, i was a million miles away from the state of mind that i had on holiday only two weeks before. I had not eaten properly or taken in many fluids in the last week, i felt like shit i really did not feel well and that was brought on by myself. I had lost it, i had been sucked into a state of shock and panic, i was so scared. My operation was on the Friday, i had to see the anaesthetist on the Wednesday.
  I had written down all my questions i wanted to ask the anaesthetist ( a good tip you often forget what you had meant to ask). I had read about waking up whilst i was being operated on, my anaesthetist- a lovely man, reassured me that this would not happen, that he was far to professional to let this happen.I was worried about the epidural in my upper back, again he explained in great detail, and again tried is best to reassure me not to worry. I then told him that i knew i was on the verge of a dental abscess, this he became quite alarmed about he explained that if this was the case the operation would be cancelled, he spoke with the nurses in the pre-op. I was immediately sent to the dental department within the Hospital, who x-ray ed my teeth and gave me the all clear saying there was no sign of gum infection.I knew they were wrong.
 Next morning, i woke my face like a balloon, like i say from previous experience i just knew. I contacted my specialist nurse who asked me to go down to the Hospital- to cut along story short operation cancelled, i was given antibiotics and told i would receive another date for my operation. To be honest with you i was quite relieved because i felt i was in such a bad way physically and mentally i think that operation would have been a disaster.
 I went home, finished the course of antibiotics. Started eating and drinking properly.Went to the Dentist who told me to have the teeth extracted would create more infection in the gums, to wait until after my operation.
  My new date arrived 25th September 2012, 13.30 pm, Shit !!! this was it no escaping this time.          
Over the last few chapters, obviously lots of actual facts, meetings, appointments, people i have met, work problems etc have been left to one side because i would be writing for ever and I'm luck i'm holding your attention so far haha. I would just like to say everybody has been brilliant, family, friends, my boss, work colleges, everyone i have met at Salford Royal, everybody as been brilliant.
 This blog was supposed to be about my operation, that is the next one to come haha....i promise.

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