Wednesday 31 October 2012

Salford Royal Hospital, 31st October 2012,
                                                                      "Hello Gary, how are you, how is recovery going?", My consultant has walked through the door, shaken my hand and taken a seat. " I am very well thank you very much, seeing that the operation was only five weeks ago, i feel amazing apart from the discomfort in my stomach...well to be perfectly honest i feel like a new man, i am feeling very fit".
  I have so much admiration and respect for my consultant, not only for him being the complete professional that he is, i admire the fact that this man-well you know he is one of life's good guys, i feel as if he has been a very close personal friend for many a long year, due to the fact  that you feel he can genuinely feel the pain and torment i have been through myself.
 He ask to take a look at my scar, he is very pleased.He ask me about the discomfort in my stomach and then me that it is nothing to worry about, also the swelling on my right of my stomach is perfectly natural after the procedure Ive had. He explains it is all down to nerve damage, the main nerves that were cut in order to gain access to the tumour. He tell me these are temporary problems of no alarm, and they will heal in time. Then he discusses the problem they had in the operation, he explains that normally when you remove a tumour fro a kidney, that the kidney is 'packed' in order to stop the bleed,the kidneys bleed profusely. And the position of my tumour proved to difficult to 'pack', and so had to be stitched, also the awkward position had led to a number of ribs being removed ( my worst fear !! although quite fitting for Halloween....i can honestly say that rib removal has caused no pain whatever, and the only tell tale sign being a overhang swelling where they once lived rather happily ha ha.!!)
  He tells me that my age '43' has its pros's and con's, my age is a great advantage regarding my recovery, none the less the concern being that by rights i am far to young to develop this particular cancer, and obviously it is something that is going to have to be very carefully monitored in the future, as well as the other lumps that had been detected in earlier scans.
 He is absolutely confident he removed the cancerous tumour in its entirety, and is very pleased with the operation and my recovery so far.
  He expects me to return to work in January, February, possibly March which will also be the date of my first ct scan. And then six monthly scans will follow. So myself and my consultant are very obviously very pleased at the end of my first appointment since my operation, we shake hands and i give him a cheeky pat on the back and tell him i that i can never thank him enough.
A quite remarkable day !!!
                                             I would just like to say a enormous Thank you to my family, my parents have been amazing taking care of me during my recovery, soon be time to turn the tables and spoil them rotten. My two sisters Lyndsey and Shelley WOW !! amazing, with me every step of the way, Lyndsey even cancelled her wedding due to the fact it coincided with my first sheduled operation, all my family amazing, My consultant, All the doctors and nurses, and every single person that works within the Hospital, My Boss, she has been brilliant with me telling me to return to work when i am good and ready, no pressure what so ever. And to all my friends,

                      And to my son Stephen Knight, i will always always love you Son, you are and will always be the most special person in my life xxx who does Daddy love more than anybody in the whole wide world ?, yes Stephen you !! xxx...................I am overwhelmed with emotion ...i consider myself so so Lucky that all being well i will see my boy grow into a man and watch him have a wonder full wonder full life xxx

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